Toronto, Canada: Tuesday 29 September 2015
Breakthrough initiative to combat modern day slavery, "to amplify the voices of victims"
Meeting in Toronto Canada this week are delegates from Crime Stoppers International programmes globally. 19 of the 26 countries are represented.
Today marks a significant day in the life of Crime Stoppers International (CSI), the peak Crime Stoppers body. (www.csiworld.org)
CSI is proud to support the CNN Freedom Project in the fight against Modern Slavery.
A $40 Billion a year industry.
The CNN Freedom Project is promoting the Crime Stoppers International hotline and online tip system on its website as a vehicle for victims and witnesses to report human trafficking in a safe and anonymous manner.
Alex MacDonald, President, Crime Stoppers International, said “as the global population becomes more sensitized about modern day slavery through the CNN Freedom Project, it is hoped that there will be an increase in information about the perpetrators of this heinous crime or the whereabouts of victims”. He continued, “individuals in possession of such information will be encouraged to use the anonymous and confidential mechanism which CSI provides. All reports made will be monitored by the CSI Global Headquarters and then relayed to law enforcement authorities, via INTERPOL”.
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